To help you meet your goals one requirement of the Interdisciplinary Studies program is to create a team of 3 faculty members for your advisory committee. The purpose of the committee is to help ensure you're able to meet your academic and professional goals through your course selection and additionally provide collaboration across your academic areas to meet your research goals. There must be one faculty member on the committee represented for each of your major concentrations.
There are four recommended steps for creating a advisory committee in a quick manor:
Step 1: Create a draft Degree Plan
Though not required, creating a draft degree plan will help you present your ideas to professors. It will help create a larger comprehensive story about what your academic and professional interests are and how the professor can help you achieve your goals. Keep in mind this draft degree plan is likely to change once your committee is formed and should only be used to provide a general outline when selecting your committee professors.
Step 2: Research which Professors you would like to work With
Search the UNT Faculty Profile System to find what courses professors have taught in the past and what research they've done in the past and their current research obligations. Professors with high amounts of research obligations may not have the time to be apart of many advisory committees.
Step 3: Contact Professors
After you've established a draft degree plan and researched which professors you'd like to work with, your next step is to ask those professors to be on your committee. Each professor has their own unique teaching, research, and service obligations, so you may not get your first pick. Generally forming your committee is one of the longest steps in the process.
Take Courses with your Professors
While not a step in forming your committee, it is recommended after you have formed a committee take courses with those professors on your committee as soon as possible. This helps you and your professors get to know one another as well as each professor on your advisory committee has a better understanding of your academic goals and research.